Sunday, April 19, 2009

Project: Storybook

We finally finished our storybook!
Here is Matt and Teddy, The Eve of Christmas.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Assignment 5: Colourful Asia

For this assignment, I first thought about what I would associate Asia with. I thought of the ancient performance arts and realized that so many Asian cultures have their own versions of it. The Chinese have the Chinese opera or "wayang" as many of us know it. The Indonesians have the wayang kulit, the Japanese have "noh" etc. This led me to focus on the masks that are employed in all these theatrical performances.

I tend used bright, almost neon colours to colour the mask to convey the notion of "colourful asia". I experimented with a white or grey background but they did not make the colours of the masks pop as much, thus settling on a black background in the end. All this helped to bring together the end product, " faces of colourful asia".

Colour Scheme



Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Assignment 3: U C what I C


Final Product

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Assignment 2: Pictogram

For this assignment, I decided to make a pictogram of a bicycle parking stand. I decided on this as I noticed there are a few students who cycle to school but do not have anywhere to park their bicycles. If NUS decides to set up a bicycle parking stand for them, this sign would be good!
The image I started with was this

Using this image, I created the first level of reduction.

First level of reduction

Second level of reduction

Third level of reduction

Fourth level of reduction

Fifth level of reduction

Reductions put together

I decide to choose the fifth level of reduction as the pictogram as I believe this image is simple yet understandable by all.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Assignment 1: Me, Myself and I

For assignment 1, we had to design our name to fit our personality, character etc.
After giving it some thought, I decided to base my designs around nature and the outdoors! Both of which I love.
From the multiple thumbnails I drew, I narrowed it down to these four sketches.

As you can probably tell, my drawings were based around the ocean, the beach and flowers. I decided to focus on the last one and then proceeded to draw two roughs from this sketch. I wanted to play around with the flowers and I felt that the final piece could be cheery with lots of bright colours.

The first rough I came up with was this.

However, I was afraid that when this was translated into a prototype, the colours of the flowers would take the attention away from my name. Also, I wanted to try and make my name more vine-like, with the letters intersecting more with each other as well as with the creepers along the side, giving the whole thing a more twig like look. So I decide to try and translate these corrections into my next rough which is what you see below.

After fiddling around a little more, this is the final prototype I came up with!

Have to work on it to improve it though, as some commented that the bordering creepers were much more obvious that my name. Will also have to tweak the letters of my name more to make it look more like "Sab".